Friday, October 1, 2010

Happily Ever After....

Well, Meredith and Bryan are now husband and wife! Their wedding was absolutely beautiful and I think exactly what they wanted. I didn't realize how much energy I was putting into Mere's wedding until it was over and we came home. It was so wierd to not be on the phone talking wedding or on the computer trying to find something we still needed. I love my sister so much and I am so glad I was so involved in her wedding. It was an experience I will always cherish and I will miss the nightly phone calls asking me to do something for her. Bryan is a very lucky guy and we are so glad to have him join our family!

1 comment:

  1. So sweet, thanks for all you did to make the wedding as beautiful as it was. It was perfect, and married life has been great so far:) Love you!
